Mercury no longer in retrograde

Mercury retrograde in Libra is coming to an end, which has caused havoc for many of us. when the planet of communication is in retrograde in Libra this can be disruptive to our relationships, can cause issues with technology and can make communicating difficult which can arise as tension in relationships. Now that the Mercury retrograde is over and the plant is turning directly again, we are entering what is known as the retroshade zone. During this period, which will last for the next two weeks, can be the most disruptive to many. Mercury is in the air sign libra, and when the planet is in this position it is when gossip and secrets are more likely to come out. This time can also be used to make amends: to ask for forgiveness or to try and fix relationships which have struggled recently. Although this period following the retrograde can be difficult, it also offers the perfect opportunity to put right anything that was particularly disrupted during the actual retrograde. This is particularly true for those who may have experienced any issues with a romantic partner during this time. Astrologers predict that we may also feel more clear-headed during this time, which will be especially true for anyone who was directly affected by the retrograde and it made them feel confused or foggy during the time. This mental clarity and extra insight can be used towards brainstorming sessions, creating new and big ideas as well as just letting your mind be more creative and seeing what it comes up with. Creatives may have found that during the retrograde their creativity was blocked, so now is the time to let the creative juices start flowing again. Astrologers say that this is a time for us to be patient with ourselves, and that some may still be feeling the after-effects of retrograde. For these individuals it may seem like hard work to get new projects or creative ideas off the ground, and if that is the case then this is the time to be kind to yourself and to practice forgiveness for both yourself and others.

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