Venus in Sagittarius – what does it mean?

A new astrological transit is here to try and shake up our love lives and relationships. Venus, which is the planet of love and affection, is moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius which will make the relationships in our life lighter and more playful. Sagittarius is an adventurous and fun placement for the planet Venus. Following the more intense time of Venus in Scorpio, this transit will come as a welcome change to many. This transit will bring up the ways in which we approach love, the ways in which we feel we are committed to our relationships as well as being more carefree and light-hearted. Astrologers predict that for some this means that any relationships which are past their sell by date may need to suddenly come to an end. However, it also means that if there are certain people that are meant to be together but they have not met yet – this could be the perfect time for them to meet and connect. If you feel unsure about these decisions on the horizon, during this time astrologers advise that it is always best to let your gut guide you. If something feels right, then during this time it will probably be the right thing for you to do and this is the perfect period to practice harnessing your intuition. For those that are already in a relationship then this is a great time to try out some new things together. Plan a weekend trip away, or plan a new and exciting date for you and your partner to do together – preferable something that neither of you have tried before. Trying new things and seeing new places together will help you to both form new connections in your relationship as well as helping you to form new meaningful experiences together.

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