Virgo season is set to be transformative

The past month may have been very energetic and chaotic for some Virgos – but astrologers predict that this Virgo season things will begin to calm down. The Virgo sign for the maiden is renowned for being logical and organised and during this season all signs will be influenced by the Virgo’s power of common sense. Astrologers predict that we will feel more settled internally during this time, despite the fact that there might be a lot going on in our heads. According to astrologers this is the season to get organised and to look for ways to take action using the heart as the centre for all major decisions. In the previous Leo season, many of us will have been inspired by the lion energy and will have come up with good ideas and ambitions for our life and careers. Now in Virgo season is the time to get to work and to make all of these ideas happen. There will also be a lot of astrological activity at the beginning of this Virgo season, which may make it an intense and hectic time for some. In order to make sure that you do not feel too overwhelmed by this astrological activity now is the perfect time to make boundaries with the people in our lives and to try our hardest to stick with them. If we don’t, we could end up feeling like we are being taken advantage of. All of this celestial activity during this season may cause confusion in some. However, astrologers say that this potential confusion may be counteracted with personal efforts of setting boundaries and being proactive in our lives and work.

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